============== Update Devilry ============== .. warning:: These are general instructions that work if we only have code changes. Refer to the migration guide for each new version for the correct instructions. .. note:: Remember that you should run all these commands as the system user you created in :doc:`gettingstarted`. The exception is, of course, stopping/starting Supervisord if you use an init script. 1. Update the version of the ``devilry`` library in your ``~/devilrydeploy/requirements.txt``. 2. Stop Supervisord (or all your init script services etc. that run gunicorn or any ``venv/bin/manage.py`` commands). 3. Update Devilry using PIP:: $ cd ~/devilrydeploy $ venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt 4. Apply database migrations (does nothing if there are no changes):: $ cd ~/devilrydeploy $ venv/bin/python manage.py migrate 5. Collect static files:: $ cd ~/devilrydeploy $ venv/bin/python manage.py collectstatic 6. Start Supervisord (restart what you stopped in (2)).