####################################################################### Setup Supervisord for process management, log handling and log rotation ####################################################################### .. note:: This assumes the full path to your ``~/devilrydeploy``-directory is ``/home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy`` --- adjust accordingly. Create a Supervisord configuration file ======================================= Create a file named ``~/devilrydeploy/supervisord.conf`` and add the following:: [supervisord] childlogdir = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy/log logfile = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy/log/supervisord.log logfile_maxbytes = 50MB logfile_backups = 30 loglevel = info pidfile = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy/var/supervisord.pid umask = 022 nodaemon = false nocleanup = false [inet_http_server] port = 9001 username = devilryadmin password = secret [supervisorctl] serverurl = http://localhost:9001 username = devilryadmin password = secret [rpcinterface:supervisor] supervisor.rpcinterface_factory=supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface [program:gunicorn] command = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy/venv/bin/gunicorn devilry.project.production.wsgi -b -w 12 --timeout 300 environment = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=devilry_settings process_name = gunicorn directory = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy/log/gunicorn.log stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 150MB stdout_logfile_backups = 15 [program:rqworker] command = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy/venv/bin/python manage.py rqworker default email highpriority process_name = rqworker directory = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile = /home/devilryrunner/devilrydeploy/log/rq.log stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 150MB stdout_logfile_backups = 15 Password and security ===================== Make sure you set some other password than ``secret`` in the ``[inet_http_server]`` and ``[supervisorctl]`` sections, and make sure ``~/devilrydeploy/supervisord.conf`` is only accessible to the ``devilryrunner``-user. Create the var/ and log/ directories ==================================== The supervisord.conf file refers to the ``~/devilrydeploy/var/`` and ``~/devilrydeploy/log/`` directories. These must be created:: $ cd ~/devilrydeploy $ mkdir var/ log/ Make sure all services work as excpected ======================================== To run supervisord in the foreground (for testing), run:: $ cd ~/devilrydeploy $ venv/bin/supervisord -n -c supervisord.conf You should now be able to open http://localhost:8002 in a browser and use Devilry. Use ``ctrl-c`` to kill supervisord and all the services it is running. .. _run-supervisord-for-production: Run Supervisord for production ============================== To run supervisord in the background with a PID, run:: $ cd ~/devilrydeploy $ venv/bin/supervisord -c supervisord.conf .. warning:: Do NOT run supervisord as root. Run it as the ``devilryrunner`` user. .. _supervisord-initscript: Init script =========== The following init script works well. You need to adjust the ``DAEMON``-variable: .. literalinclude:: _static/supervisord :language: bash