Devilry localization/internationalization/translation

Devilry uses the Django localization platform/system. This means that:

  • Our translations are in the gettext .po format.
  • We mark translation strings in Python code, templates and in JavaScript.

For the actual translation process, we use


Pushing files to Transifex requires you to be part of the Devilry core developer team.

If you are a normal developer and not responsible for managing translations, you just need to make sure to mark all trings for translation as described in the Django docs.

If you are a translator, you only need to ask for permission to the translation catalogs for you languages in our Transifex project, and none of the information in these docs should concern you.

How we organize the translations

All translations are added to devilry/locale/. We do not add translation per app for the following reasons:

  • There are lots of overlapping translation strings.
  • Easier to upload and maintain a single translation catalog on Transifex.

Configure Transifex

Before you can start pushing and pulling translation files to/from Transifex, you will need to create a ~/.transifexrc. It should look like this:

hostname =
username = myuser
password = supersecret
token =

More information here:

Translation process

We translate using Transifex. This means that the workflow is:

  1. Mark new translations or change existing translations.
  2. Build the translation files (.po files).
  3. Push translation files (.po files) to Transifex.
  4. Wait for translators to translate using Transifex.
  5. Pull translation files (.po files) from Transifex.
  6. Compile translations and commit the .mo files.

Below we go in detail for each of these steps. All commands assume the following:

$ cd /path/to/reporoot
$ workon devilry-django

Mark new translations or change existing translations

Read the Django internationalization docs.

Build the translation files

First, make sure you have the latest po-files from transifex:

$ tx pull

We have a fabric task for that:

$ fab makemessages

Commit the changes to the .po-files in devilry/locale/.

Push translation files to Transifex


$ tx push -s -t

to push the .po files to transifex.

Compile translations and commit the .mo files

We have a fabric task for compiling the translations:

$ cd /path/to/reporoot
$ workon devilry-django
$ fab compilemessages

This should change some .mo-files in devilry/locale/. Commit those files.