============================= Migrating from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 ============================= What's new ########## - Updated to Django 3.2.* LTS - WCAG: H2-tag is now used instead of h3 on account page. - Admin: If assignments exists for a semester, the admin will be reminded to add students to the assignments when students are added/imported to the semester. - Comment notifications: If no examiners are assigned to a group, the course and semester administrators will receive notifications when students post comments. - Deadline management: Admins can no longer move deadlines for graded attempts. - Deadline management: Suggestions always use midnight as the time for the suggested deadline. - Deadline calendar widget: Defaults to 23:59 instead of the current time. Backup database and files ######################### BACKUP. YOUR. DATABASE. AND. FILES. Update devilry to 5.2.0 ####################### Update the devilry version to ``5.2.0`` as described in :doc:`../update`.