.. _5.1.0changelog: ############################ What is new in Devilry 5.1.0 ############################ What's new ########## - Updated to Django 3.1.* - Various dependecy updates - Replaced model_mommy model-fixture package with model_bakery - Add tag-filter option for students/examiners with no PeriodTags - devilry_errortemplates: New app for handling custom error templates - Examiner: Can filter students/groups by PeriodTags - Examiner: Student/group listing now loads all on page-load instead just the N next. - Admin: Student/group listing now loads all on page-load instead just the N next. Default page-size (initial page-size) bumped to 20. Fixes ##### - Fixed contrast and aria-issues - Calender rendering issue for Safari on iPad - Added missing admin-model for GroupInvite - NullBooleanField: Migrated to BooleanField(null=True, ...). NullBooleanField is deprecated in Django 3, and will be removed in Django 4. - JSONField: Migration. JSONField is now built-in, and should be imported from django.db.models. django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField is deprecated in Django 3, and will be removed in Django 4. - Removed django_errortemplates as requirement, replaced with django_errortemplates instead.