devilry_message — Devilry message framework

The devilry_message module handles the sending of emails.

Datamodel API

class devilry.devilry_message.models.base.MessageQuerySet(model=None, query=None, using=None, hints=None)

Filter all Message`s without any :class:.MessageReceiver`s.

class devilry.devilry_message.models.base.Message(*args, **kwargs)

The Message-class handles preparing and sending of different messages in the Devilry-system.

This model contains metadata about a message sent to one or multiple users, what type of message it is, the overall status of the message and creates recipients for the email to be sent.


The actual subject and message-content is stored on each MessageReceiver with a foreignkey to this class. The reason for this being that we want to save the subject and content in the preferred language of the user.


When the message was created.


The user that created the message.

This field may be None as we need to support system message and other messages with no specific user.

STATUS_CHOICES = <ievv_opensource.utils.choices_with_meta.ChoicesWithMeta object>

Choices for status.

  • draft: The message is in the draft state. This means that it has not been queued for sending yet, and can still be changed.

  • preparing: The message is being prepared for sending. This means that a background task is creating MessageReceiver objects for the message.

  • sending: A background task is sending the message.

  • error: Something went wrong. Details in status_data.

  • sent: The message has been sent without any errors.


The “send”-status of a message.



Extra data for the status as JSON.


Extra metadata for the message receiver as JSON. This can be anything.

CONTEXT_TYPE_CHOICES = <ievv_opensource.utils.choices_with_meta.ChoicesWithMeta object>

The available context types of the message.

The purpose of the context type is to provide better filtering options.

  • other: Unspecified type.

  • comment: Message regarding new comment/delivery.

  • deadline_moved: Message regarding a moved deadline.

  • feedback: Message regarding feedback/grading.

  • feedback_updated: Message regarding an updated grade/result.


The context type of the message. See CONTEXT_TYPE_CHOICES for more info.


ArrayField with the types for this message.

Examples: - ['email']: Send as email only.


Store data needed to create MessageReceiver-objects.

Each subclass defines how the dataformat of this field should be. Override Message.prepare_message_receivers to create message receivers from this field.

prepare_message_receivers(subject_generator, template_name, template_context)

Prepare MessageReceiver objects for create_message_receivers(). By _prepare_, we mean to make the MessageReceiver objects, but not save them to the database.

Saving is handled with a bulk create in create_message_receivers().

Must return a list of MessageReceiver objects, or a generator that yields lists of MessageReceiver objects.


This method can be overriden to add custom validation for BaseMessage.virtual_message_receivers in subclasses.

Does nothing by default.


Creates message receivers from list returned from BaseMessage.prepare_message_receivers()

prepare_and_send(subject_generator, template_name, template_context)

Prepare and send message to message receivers.

  1. Create MessageReceiver`s for this message. Set status to `preparing.

  2. Send message to MessageReceover`s for this message. Set status to `sending.

  3. Set status to sent.

  • ValueError

  • is not a draft can not be resent via this method.


Sets email as default message type if empty or None.


Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class devilry.devilry_message.models.base.MessageReceiverQuerySet(model=None, query=None, using=None, hints=None)
create_receiver(user, message, message_type, subject_generator, template_name, template_context)

Create a message receiver and generate the email content and subject according to the preferred language of the user and return the MessageReceiver-instance. This method cleans the receiver object, but DOES NOT SAVE IT.

  • user – A devilry.devilry_account.models.User-instance.

  • message – A Message-instance this receiver belongs to.

  • message_type – The type of message (email, sms, …).

  • subject_generator – A subclass of devilry.devilry_message.utils.subject_generator.SubjectTextGenerator

  • template_name – Template to render content with (a path).

  • template_context – Context data for template.


Unsaved instance.

Return type:



Filter all MessageReceivers created before the given datetime_obj-argument.

class devilry.devilry_message.models.base.MessageReceiver(*args, **kwargs)

This class represents a single message to a single user.

Contains data about the specific message for a user:
  • ForeignKey to a user.

  • The status of the sending.

  • How many time the message has been successfully and unsuccessfully sent to the user.

  • The subject.

  • The content as both html and plaintext.

  • When the message was successfully sent.

The subject and message-content is stored in the users preferred language when the first message was created.


When the message receiver was created.

STATUS_CHOICES = <ievv_opensource.utils.choices_with_meta.ChoicesWithMeta object>

Choices for the MessageReceiver.status field.

  • not_sent: The MessageReceiver has just been created, but not sent yet.

  • error: An error occurred when trying to send the message. The status is set to failed if the sending_failed_count is greater than the resend limit defined by the DEVILRY_MESSAGE_RESEND_LIMIT-setting. Error-details and traceback is stored in status_data.

  • failed: The message failed, same as error, but the status is set to failed if the sending_failed_count is less than or equal to the resend limit defined by the DEVILRY_MESSAGE_RESEND_LIMIT-setting. Error-details and traceback is stored in status_data.

  • sent: The message was sent to a backend (mailserver, SMS-provider etc.) without any errors.


The status of the message. Must be one of the choices defined in STATUS_CHOICES.


Extra data for the status as JSON. Typically used to save responses from the APIs used to send the message, especially error responses.


Extra metadata for the message receiver as JSON. This can be anything.


The subject of the message.

Only used for emails.


Message content plain text.

If MessageReceiver.message_content_html is set, the HTML content is converted to plaint text and saved on this field.


Message content HTML.

Optional, but normally used when sending an email.


The BaseMessage this message receiver belongs too.


The message type. Will always be one of the message types in the BaseMessage.message_types list of the message.


The receivers email-address. A user can have multiple email-addresses, this is the actual address for the user the mail was sent/will be sent to.


The User to send this to. Currently we only send to registered users, so this field is required.


The datetime the message was successfully sent to the user.


Number of failed attempts.


Number of successful attempts.


Simply sends a message to this receiver. This method can also be used to resend an email.


If BaseMessage.message_content_html has content and BaseMessage.message_content_plain has not, convert the HTML-content to plaintext and set it on the message_content_plain-field.


Sets email as default message type if empty or None.


Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned