.. _admin_create_assignment: ========================= Creating a new assignment ========================= Creating a new assignment is a pretty simple process. Clicking the `Create new assignment`-link will take you to the page where you actually create the assignment. .. image:: images/admin-create-assignment-link.png The create assignment page has a few required fields that's needs to be set before you can create the assignment. Simply give the assignment a name and a first deadline. You have a lot of options for tweaking the assignment after it has been created. We'll create a simple assignment called `Assignment 33` with deadline set to November 21, 2018 11:40 am by using the `Select a date/time`. You can also use one of the suggested deadlines. .. image:: images/admin-create-assignment-page.png Adding students to the new assignment ##################################### We provide a few shortcuts for adding students to the assignment. You can add all students on the semester, no students or select an assignment you would like copy students from. .. image:: images/admin-create-assignment-page-import-students.png From each of the previous assignments, you have two options: - **Copy all students** will copy all students from the selected assignment, and keep the projectgroup and examiner setup. - **Copy students with passing grade** will copy all students from the selected assignment with a passing grade, and keep the projectgroup and examiner setup. .. _defaults_new_assignment: Defaults for a new assignment ############################# The following are configured as a default: - The new assignment will be published 6 hours after creation - Grading is passed or failed - Anonymization is off - Deadline handling is soft - No students marked as passed assignment previous semester To change the default configurations, see :ref:`admin_assignment`