How to correct several groups at once


To avoid confusion when reading this guide, please read Common concepts, at least the Group, Candidate and Student-section.



This guide show you how to edit feedback for a selection of groups. To get to the view described here you must first choose the examiner role in the Devilry frontpage and then choose an assignment.

Editing of multiple groups is easy and straightforward. Activate the checkboxes next to the group of interest to add it to your selection. If you want to choose all groups within the active filter you may click Select All button to speed up the process. When you have created your selection click the Write feedback button to start providing feedback.

Provide feedback

The groups that you selected are listed after the Edit feedback for: text, please make sure that it is complete and correct before you take further actions. Provide your feedback. Click Preview button to get a glimpse on how your feedback will look when completely rendered. Be aware that Preview will save your feedback draft on each group. You will be able to come back and edit further in the next step.

If you want to publish your work right away just click Publish.