What is new in Devilry 3.0.0

New for everyone

  • Mobile optimized.

  • Wai-Aria

New for students

  • Feebackfeed, communication.

New for examiners

  • New UI, same workflow, but more streamlined.

  • Feedbackfeed, communication.

New for administrators

  • New UI. Mostly the same workflow, but more streamlined.

  • Unified admin UI for all administrators. The only difference is that higher permission levels gain you a few extra views.

  • New group based permission system.

  • Node is removed - replaced by a tag system and permission groups.

Department administrator:

New role in 3.x which replaces the old Node administrator role.

  • Can add new courses.

  • Shorter path to most common operations.

Semester within a course:

  • Can add (import) students that does not have a devilry user. Exactly how this works depends on how devilry is configured.

  • Automatically add new students added to the semester to all assignments (can be disabled)

  • More powerful tag management.

  • Ability to deactivate students and examiners instead of removing them. This makes it much safer to sync Devilry with external systems since the worst case is that someone temporarily looses their permissions until they are re-enabled or the sync script is fixed. It also makes it easy to manually enable/disable users while waiting for updates to some external data integration system.


  • No assignment administrator - this is changed so that a typical TA can be a semester administrator, but not gain access to certain assignments (based on anonymizationmode).

  • Automatically setup assignments like the previous assignment.

  • Much easier to re-organize students.

  • Much more streamlined assignment configuration and setup.

  • Huge performance optimizations.

  • Separation of student and examiner administration pages:
    • Provides a much more user friendly experience when setting up students and examiners.